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Tourism Industry; nature and characteristics

Tourism is rapidly growing industry which is connected to many other aspects of human life; economy, politics, environment, socio-cultural etc. That is why it has complex nature and multiple characteristics. In order to examine it’s nature and characteristics, lets see some basic terms of tourism at first;

The tourist destination

The tourists destination is a geographical unit that is visited by a tourist.  It can be a town, village, region, country or even continent. Different tourist destinations have different level of significance depending on attraction, accessibility and amenities.

Tourist Services

All kinds of services that are needed during the journey, during the stay in the destination and while using tourism products can be taken as tourist services. Transportation services, accomodation, catering and entertainment facilities come under tourist services.

Tourist Products

Tourist products are those attraction or activity that any destination offer to the tourists; existing or potential. The elements of tourist’s trip, consisting of what he does on the way to the destination and while staying there, comprises the tourist product. Tourist services and the tourist products may sound similar but there is a significant difference. Tourist product may consist of several tourist services that combinely it may serve as a single product. For example, nice hospitality in terrace of resort in Nagarkot, transportation to there, good food and pleasant music in background are examples of tourist services. Together with the view of himalayas, they make an overall tourism product; experience of  excellent panoramic mountain view. Various destinations, offer different tourism products;
Kenya offers – Rich tropical wildlife watch
·         Cuba offers   -- Lively carriebean island experience
Nepal offers – Spectacular mountain view


In the language of Economics, market is the process/network of dealing between buyers and sellers of products. In narrow meaning, it denotes the place where the process of buying and selling occurs. In general tourism industry, market means a specific group of buyers(tourists) who buy/purchase specific tourist products of specific particular  destinations.
From the obove discussion, we can conclude the nature of tourism;
·         Tourism is service natured predominantly.
·         In tourism, people and money is transformed, but products/attraction not.
·         It is sum of lots of synchonized efforts.

Whereas, there are several characteristics of tourism that make it distinct from other industries. Most important ones are listed below;
Tourism is based on tangible products but intangible/ non material in reality. For example, Bhaktapur Durbar square is tangible heritage but transportation to there, guiding service, local people’s attitude, cleanliness etc that are linked with tourism product  are non tangible.

Tourism is a combination of economic and non-economic elements. For instance, generation of revenue for government, employment opportunities etc are economic in term and can be measured. But there are many non economic terms that are not easy to measure such as annoyance to local people, degradation of local values and culture etc.

·   It is sum of numerous activities of numerous organisations and individuals; tourism board, tourism businessmen, local people and even political parties.
      Tourism is very fragile in nature; an accident and crisis can leave longlasting footprint. In the present context, gloabal economic depression is causing recession in many long haul destination like Nepal.
       Tourism products are perishable;  if not used in time, cannot be saved for next period. For instance, the beauty and to tourism products of Chitwan national park during political strikes cannot be saved for future.
       Tourism has Unlimite dpossibilities. Even in desert location, thriving tourist destinations like Dubai are increasing. Small island like Macao is attracting more than 20 million tourists per year and each place may possess unexplored tourism potentiality.
·         Tourism multidisciplinery subject. It is connected to many other social sciences and even with envionment. That’s why any tourism issue links with numerious stakeholders.
·         Basically, raw materials/resources of tourism are inexaustible. Milllions of viewers of annapurna range wouldnot erode the decrease the beauty and tranquility of that. Of course, unproper way of tourism can erode/minimise the quality of resources.
·         Tourism linked with multiple disciples so the tourism process of an destination involves so many stakeholders.
·         Tourism product cannot be shifted. View of mount everest cannot be shifted to California though replicas can be shifted.
·         Tourism is not static process; it has been changing since thousand years and the process will go on.
·         Tourism has new challanges and opportunities. Since last couple of decades, threat of te
Rrorism and global crises is on increase. On the other hand, new opportunities are emerging; increase in the volume of tourism, increase in the regional and domestic tourism, new tourism products etc.


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  2. It is security conscious, political social and economic threats from both the tourism demand and supply side can lead to reduction in numbers of potential tourists willing to travel.


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