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Tourism Development in Nepal

In Nepal, tourism is taken as a recent phenomena but it was in existence since early period of history. Civilisation of the Nepal (Kathmandu valley) was started with the visit of Manjushree from China. There are well documented evidences about the visit of Siddharth, Ashoka the emperor and other historical figures. It was common to go to Lhasa for trade and other purposes. In the history, there are many arrivals of Christian missionaries, British envoys to Nepal. Besides, Nepal used to be an gateway for India and Tibet.

Modern tourism started in Nepal after the introduction of democracy in 1951. Foreigners were allowed to travel country. Prior to this; in the Rana period, only few researchers like Tony Hagen were allowed to enter Nepal. Kathmandu and some major cities were connected with air transportation. Tourists arrivals increased significantly after the construction of Tribhuwan highway. Importance of tourism was realised and was given high priority in periodical plans. Various institutions were established in private and public sectors. Air connection with other countries and the development of infrastructures paved the way for tourism development. After the painful years of civil war, 2008 saw a record breaking half million tourist arrivals.
There are many challenges and opportunities lying in the path of tourism development in Nepal. Global increment of tourism volume, regional tourism growth and abundant tourism potentialities are the opportunities. On the other hand, global and local security issues, financial recessions, political instability, rise of competitive destination etc are major challenges.

Nevertheless, tourism is a dynamic process and its development still continues..............

‘Prediction is very difficult, especially of future’
- Niels Boers

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