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Components and elements of tourism industry with global examples

Volume and dimensions of tourism have been raising so rapidly in last years that it has attracted attention of everybody. With the increase in the life standard, leissure time and transportation facilities; people have started to travel more than any other period of history. Tourism’s important role in economy and socio- cultural aspects is well accepted. But the tourism nowadays is not simple one; like going to holiday to enjoy good weather. Modern tourists have diverse interests than traditional ones. On the other hand, environmental, political and local participation issues are being raised in tourism.
Hence, it is necessary to know the components and elements of tourism industry in order to grasp the essence of the phenomena.  There are four major components of tourism industry;
1.       Accomodation
2.       Transportation
3.       Attractions
4.       Support services


In the early history, there were only limited kinds of loding; inns, boarding houses etc. With the development of transportation, variety and quality of loding facility was increased. With the developmentof railways, roadways, waterways and airways, lots of places with loding facilities were developed. In last half century, the range and type of accomodation has changed significantly. There is a decrease in the traditional small private hotels/bread and breakfast and boarding houses. Share of big hotels in accomodation industry is increasing. Non-traditional type of accomodation such as holiday village are on trend.
A.J. Burkart and S. Medlik have classified the holiday accomodation into four categories;
1.       Service accomodation;  including hotels, pension houses, guest houses etc.
2.       Self catering accomodation; camping, caravan, rented house etc.
3.       Homes of friends and relatives;  normally as non-paid guests
4.       Other accomodations; like boats, youth hostel etc.
Any modern holiday destination provides a wide range of lodging facilities. Sometimes, special types of accomodation or luxury hotel becomes a main reason for visit in the particular destination; for example Bahamas. Nevertheless, accomodation occupies a biggest share in the total tourist expenditure. For example, accomodation noted down 32% share in total expenditure amongh foreign tourists in UK in 1978 which is still not less in present day tourism (British Tourist Authority, 1978).


Transportation is the blood stream of tourism developement. Development of tourism in any destination depends on the level of development of transportation . The reason of being Europe as no. 1 tourist generating and attracting region is the excelent system of transportation in the reason.  When we overview the tourism development in the world, it goes along with the pace of development in transportation system.
In the ancient times, walking and use of beasts of burden were main way of transportation. With the invention of steam engines, railway and water transportation became more efficient and widely used. Introduction of railway system paved the way for long haul travel in europe and developed countries. Motor cars enhanced the speed and volume of travelling which is still continuing. Aeroplanes facilitated for faster and long haul travel into any part of the world. With each invention of transportation means, there is an extra milestone for the tourism development.
Basically, we can divide transportation means into;
  Air transportation; aeroplanes, helicopters, rocket....
  Rail transportation; treins and luxury ones....
  Road transportation; bus, cars etc
  Ocean transportation; boat, ship, cruise ships etc
  others ; cable car, beasts of burden etc
In the context of Europe, private cars have a significant share in tourism transportation. Open borders and excellent system of roadways creates a convenience for that. There is a growing competition in the airline industry and lots of options are available to reach any tourist destination. Cruise ships are still a mean of luxury water transportion. In the complex topography and adventure destinations, walking and beast of burden still stands as a popular mean  of transportation.


Attractions are the reason for visit to any place. Attractions can range from man made heritages to the natural ones. Michael peters(1969)has drawn up an inventory of tourist attractions;
1.       cultural; sites with cultural, historical,political and archaelogical importances
2.       traditions; festivals, arts and handicrafts, local music, lifestyle etc
3.       Scenic; places with spectacular natural views, wild life and biodiversity
4.       Entertainment; sports events, recreational parks, night life etc
5.       Other attractions; excellent climate, unique attractions

Support services

   Support services are those services that help tourist to enjoy his stay in the destination. Without these services, a tourist’s stay in the destination might not be comfortable. Examples of these services are;
  Information facilities
  Insurance services
  Guiding services
  Money exchange/drawing facilities
These services are provided by public as well as private sectors. In public sector; NTO, regional and local tourist organisations are responsible for the tourist policy formulation , publication for the informations for the tourists etc. Private companies cater guiding, street food, drink stall etc.

Elements of tourism

Besides the four components of tourism, there are certain other factors that are essential for tourism. For instance, a tourist may repeat the visitation to Nepal because he has some passion for hospitality of people and his emotional ralations. Let’s see these factors;

1.       Pleasant weather/climate;  people have preference for favourite climate. People living in cold places long for sunny climate and people living in tropics dream for cooler places. Often people long for better climatic/weather forms than they have.Sometimes, experiencing different climate is a motivation for travel. That’s why, people travel from;

·         Offshore to coast/beaches
·         Cloudy/cold to sunny/warm places
·         Warm/cool to winter holiday destinations
·         And sometimes, experience of extreme climate like tropical desert, rainforest, monsoon etc can be a motivation for travelling.

2.        Scenic  attractions; any potential tourist choose his destination after seeing, hearing or  making imagination of spectacular landscape of the place. Scenic landscapes can be divided into;

·          Natural landscapes ; mountain range, rainforest, savannas, Tundra etc.
·         Manmade landscape; traditional houses, festivities, roads etc.
3.       Accesibility; people travel to the places nearer and easily reachable though other destination farther may offer better things. More people of europe prefer to go to austria to view mountains whereas Himalayan countries offer far better experiences. So, nearer to the tourist generating countries, more chances of getting tourists to the destination. On the other hand, destination near to the transportation hub have greater advantages. For example, being near to singapore (a big air traffic hub), Bali has advantage of getting lots of tourists.
4.       Historical and cultural factors; people are nostalgic to history and exotic cultures. So, people travel to;
·         Places with historical events in past; Rome, Berlin, Lumbini......................
·         Places with cultural significance; Paris as ‘ cultural capital of Europe’ and London as ‘melting pot of cultures.’
5.       Amenities; people look for the facilities/services that not found in the place of origin. So, if any destination offer better amenities like interesting shopping facilities, excellent food, luxuray products etc, it becomes an added value for the destination.
6.       Hospitality;  value of all facilities and conveniences can decrease if there is no good hospitality. Certain destination like Thailand have good name for hospitality which is the prominent reason for a large number of tourists as well as repeated visits. In general, hospitality is a general feeling of welcome that visitors receive while visiting a destination area. Hospitality depends on;
·         Tourist services supplied by service providers
·         General feeling of warmth from the local population.

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